Activism - Kayamot (Exist) Forum
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Fax +972-2-624-1942
Address P.O. Box 7815, Jerusalem 9107801 Israel
Sexual Violence is a social problem that we need to address everyday.
Until the age of 12, boys and girls are abused in a ratio of 1:6.
After the age of 12, girls and women are abused in a ratio of 1:3; boys and men are abused in a ration of 1:7.
In 87% of abuse cases the abuser is known to the survivor.
Approx. 65% of abuse cases took place when the victims were minors.
According to the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, in 2012, 40% of women have reported incidents of sexual harassment at the workplace.
A forum comprised of sexual assault survivors whom deliver public testimonies of their traumatic experiences to groups and professionals, in order to convey the challenges they are faced with following their assault and with the objective of promoting social change. Many survivors of sexual violence talk of feeling isolated and alone, decrying the lack of people with whom they can identify both in terms of what they have suffered and in empathizing how it affects their daily existence. Therefore, the JRCC has been providing a support group service for many years, catering for survivors of Rape and Incest who wish to not only encounter others who have undergone similar trauma, but to be empowered and strengthened by both the therapeutic supervision and the group experience, acquiring a renewed sense of fellowship, direction and belonging.
The participation in Kayamot Forum is open to alumni of support groups at the JRCC on a yearly basis. Interested in learning more or inviting Kayamot Forum to your professional circle? reach out to us through the 24/7 Hotline at 1202 or 02.6255558.