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Phone +972-2-623-2451
Fax +972-2-624-1942
Email development@jrcc1202.org
Address P.O. Box 7815, Jerusalem 9107801 Israel
Sexual Violence is a social problem that we need to address everyday.
Until the age of 12, boys and girls are abused in a ratio of 1:6.
After the age of 12, girls and women are abused in a ratio of 1:3; boys and men are abused in a ration of 1:7.
In 87% of abuse cases the abuser is known to the survivor.
Approx. 65% of abuse cases took place when the victims were minors.
According to the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, in 2012, 40% of women have reported incidents of sexual harassment at the workplace.
The JRCC is based on volunteer work, whether in the education or the support services department. Not Surprisingly, 7 out of 10 of our coordinators were volunteers in the JRCC before becoming paid personnel. Our board is consisted, mainly, of volunteers. This model of a Board composed solely of volunteers ensures that all organizational decisions are made by those closest in touch with the workings of the center. Since the organization was founded by volunteers and operates only as a result of their hard work, we have an ideological commitment to ensuring that decision-making power remains in the volunteers' hands; thus, some decision are made by the board, consisting of 6 volunteers as of today, and some decisions are presented to the general assembly twice a year.
Rinat Mualem – Chairwoman of the Board
Mali Yanoshi – Treasurer of the Board
Liron Bdolach – Secretary of the Board
Inbal Mordechai – Member of the Board
Moria Rodal-Silfen – Member of the Board
Dr. Anat Shohat – Member of the Board