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24/7 Hotline - 1202

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24/7 Hotline

You are not alone! Our volunteers are waiting for your call, everyday, all day. 1202 or 02.6255558


Contact our offices

Phone   +972-2-623-2451 

Fax  +972-2-624-1942


Address  P.O. Box 7815, Jerusalem 9107801 Israel

Sexual Violence is a social problem that we need to address everyday. 

Until the age of 12, boys and girls are abused in a ratio of 1:6.


After the age of 12, girls and women are abused in a ratio of 1:3; boys and men are abused in a ration of 1:7.

In 87% of abuse cases the abuser is known to the survivor.

Approx. 65% of abuse cases took place when the victims were minors.

According to the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, in 2012, 40% of women have reported incidents of sexual harassment at the workplace.

You Are Not Alone!

At its inception in 1981, the hotline operated several evenings a week; the Center has since expanded its activities and for nearly four decades now, the hotline remains open 24 hours a day. The JRCC 24-hour hotline breaks the silence: it is a safe space where survivors of sexual violence can openly talk about their assault and its consequences. It is tailored to the needs of every woman and is non-judgmental.  The hotline volunteer is often the only person with whom a victim feels she can safely talk about her experience.  The most important message of the hotline is: You are not alone.


Through the tireless efforts of crisis hotline volunteers, the JRCC works to remove the burden of guilt that society imposes on survivors of sexual assault.  By providing a space free from judgment, pressure, or shame in which survivors feel safe, the hotline challenges taboos around the discussion of sexual violence and the social norms that enable such violence against women to continue.

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